Will writing, will storage, complete will servie. ADS Wills



Wills & Family Matters


Married, Divorced or Living Together a Will is a vital document to prepare for many reasons.


  • To ensure that all will go to your spouse if this is what you wish. Without a Will this is not always the case
  • If you have children, provision can be made for their care in the event of both parents dying.
Living Together
  • Without a will a partner may well take nothing from an estate. And only a percentage if the couple have lived together for more than two years.
  • Past relationships, and children from previous marriages and relationships, may well complicate the issue
  • Gay couples must write Wills to protect the surviving partner
  • It is essential to have a will to protect children from previous marriages. Withoput a will your children may well have to endure the heartbreak of protracted legal action.


This is a legal Document, written whilst you are fit and healthy, and used to appoint a person or persons to deal with your affairs on your behalf should you become incapable.

It can cover all your affairs or can be restricted to certain acts.

Like your Will it can be updated, amended or revoked at any time before it is registered with the Court of Protection.

A husband and wife can appoint each other to be their attorney.

ADS Wills can advise and produce an Enduring Power of Attorney for you.

Make a will

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